5587 Redan Road,
Stone Mountain, GA 30088
Stone Mountain, GA 30088
Our hours
10:00 AM – 2:00 PM
Monday – Friday
Contact us
Phone: (770) 469-9069
Email: office@crossroads-pc.com
1 John 3:18
18 Dear children, let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth.
Community Outreach is simply looking beyond yourself and reaching out to the people around you. As the body of Christ, we are commanded to love in action. One way we can do that is by reaching out to and serving our neighbors around us and around the world who are in need.
When we offer to assist in meeting the needs of others, we are given an opportunity to have Holy Conversations with them, to share the Good News (Matthew 28: 19-20) with them, and provide services and gifts that assist in meeting their physical needs.
Interested in becoming involved with the community throughout the year? Join one of our outreach groups or committees. Click on the title to learn more about how to get involved.
The goal of the Diabetes Self-Management Ministry at Crossroads Presbyterian Church is to provide free self-empowering education and tools to individuals in our community who are living with diabetes.
The purpose of the food giveaway program is to feed those in our community who are hungry and in need. On the 2nd Saturday of each month, a group of volunteers come together to sort food from the Atlanta Community Food Bank. Foods received are boxed, bagged and delivered with love to all who come.
Operation Christmas Child (part of Samaritan’s Purse Foundation) is a ministry that spreads the gospel around the world to children through gift filled shoeboxes. Each fall we collect & pack items into shoeboxes. In the Atlanta area Crossroads is known for packing an admirable number of boxes for a smaller church.
Assistance is intended to be a one-time gift. The stated purpose of the Samaritan Outreach Ministry is to meet people’s basic emergency needs. Beneficiaries of the fund are non-members from the surrounding communities, residing in zip codes 30035, 30058, 30083, 30087, and 30088.
This dynamic group of moms began as a local group of moms that gathered to create community amongst moms and their little ones through play dates, potlucks, field trips, and holiday events and in less than two years has grown to over 100 moms who hail from Georgia to Kenya, Scotland, England, and more. There is now an international community of moms and a strong local group here in the Dekalb county area.
Trunk or Treat is an annual Crossroads' event in which members of different ministries decorate the trunks of their vehicles in themed decor and pass out candy or other goodies to the children in the community.
VBS is Crossroads way to pass on our faith to our community. 75% of those who come to our VBS for Everybody are not members or regular attenders at Crossroads. We are delighted to make the Word of God known and to demonstrate the fruit of the Spirit to all who come.
Zumba at Crossroads is a Latin-inspired aerobic fitness program that utilizes cardio and Latin dance routines that results in a fun-filled, high-energy, calorie-burning workout. We offer a safe, non-judgmental space to work out for the beginner to the experienced Zumba attendee. Each class has easy-to-learn movements, with lots of encouragement and support.
Living with or caring for someone with memory or cognitive impairment comes with its own unique set of challenges. MemoryCare.com provides research-backed resources to guide caregivers and seniors in the early stages of memory impairment through the process of finding and obtaining the care they need.
Main Worship Services
Sundays at 9:30AM (EST) – Bible School for All Ages
Sundays at 10:30AM (EST) – Quiet Time for Prayer & Meditation
Sundays at 11:00AM (EST) – Worship Service
Weekly Services
Thursdays at 6:30PM (EST) – Bible Study
10:00 AM – 2:00 PM
Monday – Friday
Phone: (770) 469-9069
Email: office@crossroads-pc.com