5587 Redan Road,
Stone Mountain, GA 30088
Stone Mountain, GA 30088
Our hours
10:00 AM – 2:00 PM
Monday – Friday
Contact us
Phone: (770) 469-9069
Email: office@crossroads-pc.com
About Thrive Mom Community
This dynamic group of moms began as a local group of moms that gathered to create community amongst moms and their little ones through play dates, potlucks, field trips, and holiday events and in less than two years has grown to over 100 moms who hail from Georgia to Kenya, Scotland, England, and more. There is now an international community of moms and a strong local group here in the Dekalb county area. With the Thrive Team we now continue to host local events for moms, partner with local organizations to bring resources to moms, host clothing and essential drives for moms and their families, hold virtual retreats and conferences for moms and pregnant women and publish videos, interviews and resources to support moms thrive in every area of
To create a local and international network of moms groups, co-ops, and community centers partnering with organizations to provide community and support for moms and their children through drives, opportunities for gathering, conferences, retreats, books, courses, and more to help them thrive in every area of their motherhood journey.
Through meeting practical needs of moms and their families and relational discipleship, we will empower and equip moms to make disciples of their own children.
Thrive Playschool
I. Program Description
The Thrive Playschool Program is a unique cooperative playschool program created as an alternative to traditional public pre-K for the purpose of allowing moms time to be refreshed and have a break while allowing their little ones to socialize and learn through play.
This will not function as a formal daycare but instead a co-op of a partnership between professional hired educators, responsible parent volunteers, and the hosting organization where children are given quality excellent education and child care in a warm and intimate space of usually 7-8 children and 2 educators.
II. Thrive Playschool Success
Thrive launched its first Thrive Playschool this past September 14th at Peace Baptist Church and it’s been an incredible success! There are now 6 families, with at least 2 more joining this October and already has a waiting list of families wanting to join. We have been able to hire 2 amazing professional educators as well as 2 extra curricular instructors who teach the children Spanish, Gardening, Sign language and Theatre.
As news of the success of this program has spread, more families are hoping to join and the need for the quality and small intimate learning child care space the playschool provides has only grown. It has also been a mutual blessing to the host site as the Playschool has been able to give funds for facility usage and ministry outreach at the church.
We truly believe we’ve found a special template that can be duplicated at other churches and organizations and are excited and honored about the possibility of partnering with Crossroads to minister and meet the needs of moms in our local community.
We have so far partnered with Stonecrest Library, Kroger, Convergence Church, Refuge Pregnancy Center, Gifted Hands Midwifery, C. Bogans Marriage & Family Therapy, Peace Baptist Church and are honored and here at Crossroads Presbyterian Church.
Ways to Partner with Thrive at Crossroads
• Come by to read a story or lead a craft with the children.
• Lead an extracurricular activity such as teaching the children how to plant a flower, play basketball, etc.
• Share parenting, community, and educational resources we can give the parents.
• Come in as a special guest sharing your craft/passion/career with the children.
Main Worship Services
Sundays at 9:30AM (EST) – Bible School for All Ages
Sundays at 10:30AM (EST) – Quiet Time for Prayer & Meditation
Sundays at 11:00AM (EST) – Worship Service
Weekly Services
Thursdays at 6:30PM (EST) – Bible Study
10:00 AM – 2:00 PM
Monday – Friday
Phone: (770) 469-9069
Email: office@crossroads-pc.com