Exodus 15:20 20 Then Miriam the prophet, Aaron’s sister, took a timbrel in her hand, and all the women followed her, with timbrels and dancing.
Zumba was created in 2001. It is a Latin-inspired aerobic fitness program that utilizes cardio and Latin dance routines that results in a fun-filled, high-energy, calorie-burning workout. Zumba at Crossroads was presented by Sandy Lewis to our late Pastor Elward Ellis in 2012, who excitedly agreed, stating “I will come and dance with you”.
Regularly Zumba workout offers health benefits that include: • Reduce your blood pressure, • Reduce bad cholesterol and boost your good cholesterol and • Lower your risk of heart disease.
Zumba at Crossroads is designed as a safe, non-judgmental space to work out for the beginner to the experienced Zumba attendee. Each class starts off with basic, easy-to-learn movements. As the class progress, the instructor and other class participant encourage each other and no one is made fun of or singled out for not knowing a routine.
In addition to receiving a fun-filled great workout, all attendees are fed spiritually. We pray together, support one another’s causes, and check in at the end of each class to be sure no one’s needs are not known. All are welcome/invited to attend (and many have joined us in): • Worship service at Crossroads, • Operation Christmas Child, • Food Bank, • Vacation Bible School, • Kids Zone, • Feeding the homeless, • And many other activities at the church.
Since starting Zumba at Crossroads 10 years ago we have welcomed over 500+ women from the community.
Please Come Join Us!
Classes for Zumba are held: Mondays – 7:00 pm Saturdays – 9:00 am
Sundays at 9:30AM (EST) – Bible School for All Ages Sundays at 10:30AM (EST) – Quiet Time for Prayer & Meditation Sundays at 11:00AM (EST) – Worship Service
Weekly Services Thursdays at 6:30PM (EST) – Bible Study