Matthew 19:14 Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.”
The Children’s Program at Crossroads
Nursery for children from birth through 3 years old
Kindergarten for children 4 and 5 years old
The Door–Doorways to Adventure–for children 1st to 5th grade
At Crossroads we focus on the hearts of our children! We want each child to know the whole counsel of God:
He made us
He sent his Son to die and rise for us
We are his loved children
We love and serve him in the world
Every child-centered experience—Doorways to Adventure, Kindergarten, Nursery—is meant to nurture the faith of our children so that they come to know him and love him. We aim to lay spiritual foundations that will last in their lives.
Nursery At Crossroads we believe that no child is too young to encounter God. That is why we have a nursery staffed by volunteers who love children and who know how to share God’s love with them at very early ages. As appropriate, volunteers will share Bible stories with the children, will pray with them, will offer time to do crafts and give plenty of time for creative play. We want our volunteer to understand infants and toddlers and their capabilities—developmental milestones, how they learn and how best to teach them. Age-appropriate toys are available. The nursery hours: 9:15 AM through1:00 PM.
Kindergarten 4’s and 5’s 4 and 5 year old children are introduced to the love of God, to key Bible stories of how God created and led his people to know and serve him, to give them opportunities to grow in understanding ways God loves them and ways they can love others. They hear Bible stories, enjoy playing together, create artistic crafts and enjoy fun activities each week. These children will experience two God-centered programs each Sunday, first at 9:30-10:30 AM and then during worship.
The Door–Doorways to Adventure Children in 1st-5th grades experience two God-centered programs each Sunday: 9:30-10:30 AM and during worship. Here they hear well told Bible stories, they interact with one another through drama and puppetry, they work on artistic crafts, think about meaning for their own worlds, do some cooking and play games. This all adds up to each child experiencing God’s Word in ways that speak to their best ways of learning. It is engaging, faith-filled and fun!
Old Testament Timeline The children learned about the OT people and events when they created all the parts of a timeline.
Cooking is part of our teaching strategy. Here they are making empty tomb buns to celebrate Easter—when the tomb was empty.
We made a replica of the first temple.
The children did a live drama of the song, Mary Did You Know. Here Jesus is calming a storm.
Sundays at 9:30AM (EST) – Bible School for All Ages Sundays at 10:30AM (EST) – Quiet Time for Prayer & Meditation Sundays at 11:00AM (EST) – Worship Service
Weekly Services Thursdays at 6:30PM (EST) – Bible Study